3 Must-Have Food Prep Tools for Your Kitchen
Having the right arsenal of tools in your kitchen makes all the difference when it comes to successful raw food preparation.
In this post, we outline three food preparation tools that will help add variety to your diet, maximize the nutritional value of your food, and make healthy eating easier.
When my mother beat cancer by consuming only organic green juice for a year, it really opened my eyes to the power of juicing. There is no better way to provide your body with a potent 'blast' of powerful, concentrated nutrients.
Although our blender gets quite a but more use than the juicer, we still consider it an essential small appliance for the kitchen. The feeling you get after drinking a fresh glass of organic green juice is truly incredible!
Some of the benefits of juicing include:
enhance flavour and preserve most raw foods.
We primarily use our dehydrator to dry soaked nuts (enhances flavour and increases digestibility), and for fruits and vegetables (great healthy portable snacks).
There are also plenty of other uses for a dehydrator however, including:
#1 - Blendtec or Vitamix Blender
The blender is arguably one of the most versatile machines in the kitchen, and one of the few tools we use multiple times a day. Smoothies, sauces, soups, nut butters, these machines can liquify just about any type of raw food. Unfortunately a top-of-the-line Osterizer or Cuisinart units aren't going to cut it if you are serious about pulverizing raw solids in to liquids. The two top brands in this field are the Vitamix, and Blendtec - two incredibly powerful machines that mean serious business when it comes to pulverizing foods. Both the Vitamix and Blendtec can liquify just about anything you can imagine. Yes - that's anything, not just any food (watch the video below). We have used both units, and prefer the Blendtec due to it's size, aesthetics, and features. However, Vitamix vs. Blendtec is a debate that has been going on for many years, and ultimately you will have to make the decision as to which brand best suites your specific needs. Use your Blendtec or Vitamix for the following:- Smoothies
- Nut butters
- Grinding grains in to flour
- Dough
- Soups
#2 - Juicer

- Easy way to increase variety of fruit & vegetable consumption
- Massive doses of phytochemicals and antioxidants
- Supplies body with enzymes to aid digestion
- Easy for body to absorb nutrients
#3 - Food Dehydrator
A terrific kitchen tool that makes portable snack preparation a breeze. The dehydrator allows you to dry out ingredients by heating at a very low temperature. Dehydrating helps
- Jerky (beef or tofu)
- Sprouted Flour
- Granola
- Yogurt