5 Vitamins & Minerals That May Be Deficient in Your Diet
Adequate levels of essential vitamins and minerals are crucial for optimal health. What many of us don't realize however is that the majority of North American's are deficient, which can lead to significant health problems over the long term.
Below we will take a look at the five vitamins and minerals that are most commonly lacking in the North American diet, and how we can ensure that optimal levels are being obtained.
Since vitamin B12 is not easily absorbed by the body and is only present in meat sources, vegetarians are most susceptible to deficiencies. What is does:
bones. Vitamin D also plays a role in the health of the immune system. Unlike other vitamins, the skin is able to synthesize D from sun exposure. What it does:
prevent it from being channeled to other tissues (such as the muscles and arteries). This is important because calcification of the arteries can lead to heart disease. What it does:
role in over 300 different chemical reactions in the human body! What it does:
responsible for a multitude of biological functions. What it does:
Vitamin B12
B12 helps maintain healthy nerve and blood cells, and plays a role in the production of DNA.
- Maintains healthy nerve and blood cells
- Helps make DNA
- Prevents anemia
Vitamin D
Vitamin D's main job is to help the body absorb calcium, which in turn helps strengthen our
- Helps bones absorb calcium
- Improves immune system
- Studies suggest it may decrease risk of diabetes and heart disease
Vitamin K2
The main role of vitamin K2 is to help the body deposit calcium in to the bones and teeth, and
- Prevents calcium from being absorbed by muscle tissue and arteries
- Is responsible for helping blood clot
- May protect nerve cells
The primary responsibility of magnesium is to maintain normal nerve and muscle function. It plays a
- Contributes to blood vessel health and aids in blood clotting
- Plays an important role in nerve and muscle function (including the heart)
- Plays a role in energy metabolism
- Helps improve the immune system
Zinc is found in all parts of the body (2-3 grams at any given time), and like magnesium, is
- Strengthens the immune system
- Plays a vital role in fertility
- Helps body cells grow and divide
- Helps enhance taste and smell
- Promotes healthy eyes, hair, and skin
The Bottom Line
If you think you are experiencing any symptoms of a vitamin or mineral deficency, consult your physician for testing. To prevent the chance of deficiencies, look carefully at your own lifestyle and eating habits. This will help you determine whether you can benefit by increasing the amount of certain foods in your diet, or taking supplements. Do you think you may be deficient in any of the vitamins or minerals mentioned in this post? Please let us know by leaving a comment below!